Friday, December 6, 2013

Reading LIA and FAIR Testing

This week we took round 2 of the Reading LIA. I'm so proud of the gains my students made. I can tell they are working hard. Be on the lookout for these scores. They will be written in their planners. I will have a Pizza Party on Wednesday 12/11/13 for those students who made significant gains. If your child is invited, he/she will receive an invitation on Monday.

Also, next week we will take round 2 of the FAIR test. This is the reading test that they take on the computer. We will take in on Monday and Thursday. Please make sure your child is here both of those days. I'm looking forward to seeing their scores go up!

Let me know if you have any questions.
Ms. Ruiz :)

Better Late Than Never...

Well...I'm a little late with this post, but I just wanted everyone to see our wonderful Turkey assignment. Each student had to list 6 things he/she was thankful for and WHY. I loved reading about the things they are thankful for....such sweeties!! :) They wrote each thing on a feather and put them together to make a turkey.